Amarse Con Los Ojos Abiertos: El Desarrollo Personal A Traves De La Pareja = To Love Itself With The Open Eyes
Resumen del Libro

For Jorge Bucay, an essential part of his work as a Gestalt psychotherapist consists of relating to his patients meaningful narratives that shed some light on the significant problems of the human condition. Assuming such a practice, we are given this novel written with Silvia Salinas, a psychotherapist from the same school, specializing in couples. A man and a woman get to know each other via email. Between the vagaries of the computer, the indispensable @, and the messages that come and go, a fascinating story develops about postmodern love, but also a timeless reflection on the aims and the challenges of the couple. Love Each Other with Open Eyes is a book with curative properties for those who want to repair a wounded relationship, or initiate a new one. His clinical experience as a Gestalt psychoanalyst and his undeniable knowledge derived from his own life converge in the written word of the Argentinean Bucay. Website: