Ars Novae Hispaniae

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Resumen del Libro

Two volume paleographic transcription of documents in the General Archive in Seville. The documents from the 16th century to the 19th century are relative to architecture in New Spain. The compilation includes documents that describe the process and problems of the construction of civil and religious architecture, information about some of the key figures in architecture, such as: Claudio de Arciniega, Bartolom de Luqe, los hermanos Talaya, CristÑbal de Medina Vargas and Francisco de Guerrero y Torres. They are taken from the sections entitled æPatronatoœ, æJusticiaœ, æEscribanía de Cámaraœ, æContratación e Indiferenteœ and those pertaining to the audiencias of México, Guadalajara and Guatemala.


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