Arte Y Arquitectura Del Instituto Mexicano Del Seguro Social
Resumen del Libro

Compendium of art, murals, and architecture in the various hosptials and medical facilties of the IMSS. The work of many of the masters of art and architecture are featured in these facilites. A few of the names include: Federico Cantú, David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Chavez Morado, José Clemente Orozco, Jorge González Camarena, Juan OGorman, Leopoldo Méndez, Fermin Revueltas, Diego Rivera, Rufino Tamayo,Francisco Zuñiga. Architects include: Enrique Yáñez, Félix Salas, Carlos Obregón Santacilia. Each chapter written by authorative art and architecture historians. Beautifully illustrated in many full page color plates. Catalogue lists each work by artist and location–Provided by vendor.