Be What You Want To Be/se Lo Que Tu Quieres Ser: Don T Give Up Reach Your Dreams!/no Te Rindas, Alcanza Tus Suenos!: English/spanish Flipbook
Resumen del Libro

This is the first book for Justo Lamas, a talented young Argentinean singer who is considered by many as one of the most influential Latinos among North American youth. The concept of this book is to motivate and drive mostly young people to face life with the best and provide them with the most useful tools to be victorious in every situation and to fight for their dreams. This is Justo’s life message everywhere he goes. In this unique bilingual flip-book, Justo shares his life experiences: a tough childhood marked with his mother’s illness and loss years later, his embarrassing stutter that highlighted his innate shyness, his parent’s separation, and endless situations that could well have been a setback to him. The book also provides a section From My Heart to Yours on each chapter, encouraging the readers to underline and reflect upon those things that they can learn from life and overcome them. Every situation has a purpose in life, and there is nothing that can stop your dreams from coming true.