No Ficción

Las Patas Y Los Pies De Los Animales
Why does a duck have webbed feet? Why does a polar bear have thick fur? This series examines the distinctive features of a variety of animals and explains how those features enable animals to adapt to their unique environments. Perfect for the early science curriculum, this Spanish-language series features full-color photographs, many with helpful labels, […]

Que Hace Diez?
Simple text and photos present the concept that objects can be grouped in different ways to equal ten.

La InfanterÍa De Marina De Ee. Uu.
Describes the U.S. Marine Corps, including their vehicles such as Assault Amphiban Vehicles and helicopters, their weapons, and some of the different jobs that members perform in the Marine Corps. Written in English and Spanish.

Como Cuidar Mis Oidos/taking Care Of My Ears
Text and photographs present information on how people hear with their ears, and reviews how to keep ears healthy. Written in English and Spanish.

Vamos A Usar La División En El Campamento De Deportes
Using DIVISION at Sports Camp: Today is the first day of sports camp. Follow the team leaders as they use division to make sure that everyone can join in the fun.

La Construcción De La Autoridad Virreinal En Nueva España, 1535 1595
Siguiendo un análisis riguroso del gobierno de los ocho primeros virreyes de Nueva España, de Antonio de Mendoza (1535-1550) a Luis de Velasco hijo (1590-1595), Lara Semboloni explica el proceso de construcción de la autoridad virreinal. El hilo conductor de esta obra son los mandamientos virreinales, disposiciones dictadas en la secretaría del virrey y registradas […]

El Desierto Del Valle De La Muerte
Authentic, leveled content that helps students practice and develop their nonfiction reading skills.

Cyrano De Bergerac
Desde su estreno, en 1897 en París, el éxito de Cyrano de Bergerac no ha hecho sino crecer, y se ha convertido en una de las obras de teatro más populares de todos los tiempos. Capaz de hacernos pasar en pocos segundos de la risa a las lágrimas, no deja a nadie indiferente. Edmond Rostand […]

Del Ombligo De La Luna
A bilingual collection of poems in which the renowned Mexican American poet revisits and celebrates his childhood memories of summers, Mexico, and nature.

Descubre La Vida De Un Explorador/discover The Life Of An Explorer
Introduces the life of James Cook, the English explorer and mapmaker who sailed to many lands and claimed them for England, including what are now New Zealand, Australia, and the Hawaiian Islands.

Invenciones En La Industria De La Ropa / Inventions In The Clothing Industry
Explore the history of clothes including inventors and their inventions of common clothing items such as jeans, raincoats, even zippers! Find how making clothes has changed over time with interesting facts of an often-overlooked industry. The reader provides a language arts connection as students learn vocabulary related to all aspects of the clothing industry.

La Materia (matter)
What is matter and where can it be found? Everything in the world is made of matter, whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Important ideas about matter such as volume, mass, and how matter changes state are conveyed through a series of easy-to-do experiments.

Hace Sol
Rhyming text is ideal for building phonemic awareness and phonics skills. This series uses delightful rhyming text and engaging photographs to introduce beginning readers to four common weather conditions. These books build the foundation for reading success and make learning about weather fun!

An informative, illustrated series guides children through making observations about the diverse forces and motions that shape their world.

Auditor Prl
A través de esta publicación el lector conocerá la obligación legal establecida en la Ley de PRL en lo referente a auditorías de prevención de riesgos laborales. Al ser un tema de eminente actualidad, se analiza cómo se obtienen las evidencias sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de prevención y se estudia la forma de gestionar […]

Territorio Reverte
Arturo Pérez-Reverte es el escritor español de mayor éxito de ventas y público de las últimas décadas. Augusta López Bernasocchi y José Manuel López de Abadía analizan paerte de su obra.

Un D A De Trabajo: M Dico De Emergencias (all In A Day S Work: Er Doctor)
Emergency room doctors face deadly illnesses and gruesome injuries every day. Whether its a head wound or a contagious virus, ER doctors have one goal: keep their patients alive. Blood, guts, and tears-its all in a days life for an ER doc.

Los Estrenos Teatrales De Manuel Y Antonio Machado En La Crítica De Su Tiempo
Colección de artículos que analizan la recepción crítica de las obras teatrales de los hermanos Machado cuando fueron estrenadas. Una crítica generalmente exitosa que hacía hincapié en el prestigio literario de ambos hermanos y que, en ocasiones, filtró toda apreciación sobre algunos rasgos, incluso los menos conseguidos, de sus obras.

La Gacela
Albert viaja a África para visitar a su hermano Simón, que participa en un proyecto de granja modelo. Al llegar a Kinshasa rememora las primeras cartas de Simón, llenas de entusiasmo, que poco a poco han ido volviéndose lacónicas y confusas. Poco a poco se irá dando cuenta de que han surgido problemas entre la […]

Iguanas En La Nieve Y Otros Poemas De Invierno
A bilingual collection of poems in which the Mexican American poet celebrates winter in northern California and the experience of growing up bilingual and bicultural.