Resumen del Libro
Impartial, modern, and friendly, this book introduces readers to the civilization and culture of Latin America– from the most obscure beginnings to the present–and at the same time provides them with opportunities to improve their listening, speaking and writing skills. Comprehensive and chronological in approach, it offers well-researched coverage that goes beyond historical facts to include aspects of modern interest, sociology, economy, politics, philosophy, literature, arts, and communication. It covers the traditions in all of Spanish America– Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, as well as South America. It uses a rich and formal vocabulary, including new words recently incorporated into Spanish. Cultural glosses or footnotes, written in Spanish, provide explanations, if necessary. Iberoamérica Aborigen: Los protagonistas y su escenario, Las principales culturas indias, Iberoaméica Colonial: El descubrimiento y la conquista, La colonización y la cultura, El Brasil colonial, Iberoamérica Independiente: La independencia, la ilustración y el caudillismo, La organización de las naciones: El romanticismo y el positivismo, Siglo XX: En busca del nuevo orden, La actualidad: Política y religión, La economía, Sociedad y educación, La literatura, Las artes, el teatro, el cine y la comunicación, Brasil imperial y Brasil republicano. For anyone interested in the Spanish language and Latin American Civilization.