La Gran Tentación
Resumen del Libro

The great temptation: the Mexican petroleum was written by Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador and published last September by Grijalbo. By its own merit, this solid, concise work, of little more than 200 pages, ads up to the fundamental bibliography on the oil topic in Mexico. The title, which aroused -as specified- from a conversation between the Shah Pahlevi Prays and Ryszard Kapuscinski, shows that, at least in the last 100 years, the idea of controlling the hydrocarbons of the country has constituted, for the dominant countries and the oil corporations, the great temptation. The book is organized in three big sections. The first one provides an analytic review of the history of the petroleum in Mexico, from the first exploitations, more than a century ago, in the Porfiriato, up to 1982. The second approaches the period, of approximately a quarter of a century, of the prevalence of the neoliberal politics. In the oil sector, these politics have been directed, in a growingly clear and completely evident way starting since the new century, not only to place their resources at the service of interests that are not only different, but actually contrary to those of an autonomous, participatory national development. The third part speaks of hope. Of the options opened up by the Movement in Defense of the Petroleum, oriented to transform the hydrocarbons – petroleum and gas- in the foundation of a different developmental, alternative model that would be at the service of all Mexicans and, for everyones own good, of the poor in the first place. La gran tentacin: el petrleo de Mxico, escrito por Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador y editado el pasado septiembre por Grijalbo. Esta obra, slida y concisa, con apenas algo ms de 200 pginas, se suma, por mritos propios, a la bibliografa fundamental sobre el tema petrolero en Mxico. El ttulo, surgido se precisa de una conversacin del cha Reza Pahlevi con Ryszard Kapuscinski, muestra que, al menos en los ltimos 100 aos, la idea de controlar los …