La Voz Cubana, Joaquin Perez Rodriguez
Resumen del Libro

Joasquin Perez Rodriguez was born in Cuba and studied at Baldor, Belen and at the University of Havana, where he was a member of the FEU for the Department of Agronomy. He was also a member of the Agrupacion Catolica Universitaria (a Catholic youth group within the University). A founding member of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (a student run organization opposing Fidel Castros regime), he had to flee Cuba and take up residence in Venezuela, where he was President of the Farmers Federation, Vice Minister of Information, Organizing Secretary of the Christian Democratic Party (COPEI)and professor at the Central University of Venezuela. He founded the polling company CAMPOL GROUP. He obtained a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Harvard University. He has been an interviewer and advisor to electoral campaigns for over 30 years in the United States and Latin America. Currently, he resides in the United States. The research found in this book, which includes Cuban Catholics, was conducted by the Research Department of the Pedro Arrupe Institute. It is based on a survey coordinated by the author with the sponsorship of Univision, Fusion, and the Washington Post, directed by Bendixen & Amandi and carried out in Cuba by Mexicos CIS. The graphics were made by the staf of Bendixen and Amandi and by THE CAMPOL GROUP.The interviews inside Cuba were achieved thanks to an excellent team, which should remain anonymous for security reasons.