Música Para Arpa Sola
Resumen del Libro

HORACIO URIBE Compositor, pianista y académico. Nació en la Ciudad de México en 1970. Se educó en el Conservatorio Estatal Tchaikovsky de Moscú, Rusia. Ha sido miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores perteneciente al Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. En 2001 se le otorgó la medalla Mozart por parte de la embajada de Austria en México y la Casa Pedro Domecq. Cuenta con un catálogo de más de sesenta obras destinadas a instrumentos solos, música de cámara y sinfónica, además de música para teatro, danza y cine. Sus obras han sido interpretadas y grabadas tanto en México como en diferentes países de América y Europa. Ha participado en 21 discos compactos compartiendo créditos con otros compositores. Actualmente Horacio Uribe es Profesor-Investigador de tiempo completo en la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), y del Conservatorio de las Rosas, en la Ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán. Composer, pianist, and university teacher, HORACIO URIBE was born in Mexico City in 1970. He completed his studies in the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow, Russia. Among his honours, he has been a member of the National System of Art Creators of the FONCA (Mexican National Foundation for Culture and the Arts), in 2001 he was awarded the Mozart Medal, given jointly by the Embassy of Austria in Mexico and the Pedro Domecq Cultural Foundation. Uribe’s catalogue of works totals more than sixty pieces, ranging from music for solo instruments to chamber and symphonic works, as well as music for theatre, dance, and film. His compositions have been performed and recorded in Europe and the Americas as well as in Mexico. Sharing credits with other distinguished composers, his music appears on more than 21 recordings. Currently Horacio Uribe has a joint appointment as full-time research professor at the University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) and at the Conservatory de las Rosas, both in Michoacán, Mexico.