Synopsis Of Biological Data On The Tor Mahseer Tor Tor (hamilton, 1822)
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Among Indian mahseers, Tor mahseer Tor tor (Hamilton, 1822) is the most important food and game fish of India after Tor putitora (Hamilton, 1822). It constitutes an outstanding fishery in the Narmada River in central India. It has also settled in some Indian reservoirs which have been stocked with this fish. However, the building of dams across certain rivers has created reservoirs that have destroyed the natural breeding grounds of the fish and caused mortality on brood and juvenile fish indiscriminately. The mahseer fishery of India is further declining as a result of low recruitment of the fish. Stocking rivers and reservoirs with mahseer is therefore essential to restore the fishery. This synopsis is the compilation of biological data for Tor tor – Tor mahseer collected from different sources. The detailed biological information on Tor tor, including the feeding habits, breeding and growth patterns contained in this synopsis, will be very useful in planning the development of the mahseer fishery in India.