Etiqueta: Aaron Carr

El Himno Nacional De Estados Unidos De America
Did you know that the United States national anthem was written after the Battle of Baltimore? A lawyer named Francis Scott Key was inspired by the bravery of the American soldiers in the battle and wrote a poem about it. Discover more fascinating facts in The Star-Spangled Banner, an American Icons book. Sabas que el […]

Natural O Hecho Por El Hombre
Puedes ver la diferencia entre objetos naturales y hechos por el hombre? Los lectores principiantes descubrirn estas diferencias y muchas ms en Natural o Hecho por el hombre, un libro de Nios de la Ciencia. The AV2 Spanish & English eBooks collection gives emerging bilingual readers access to both a printed Spanish book and an […]

La Vista
Ves el color rojo? Ves un crculo? La vista es uno de nuestros cinco sentidos. Los sentidos nos ayudan a aprender acerca del mundo que nos rodea. Nosotros vemos con nuestros ojos. Los lectores aprendern lo que sus ojos les permiten ver en Vista, un libro de Mis Sentidos. The AV2 Spanish & English eBooks […]

Explorando Los Colores
What does the color blue look like? Can you spot the color red? Young readers will learn to identify these colors and more in Science Kids- Exploring Colors. Exploring Colors is part of the Lets Read collection of media enhanced books designed for children ages 5 to 7. These books were created to inspire beginning […]

Golf is one of the most popular sports in the United States. Golfers use different clubs to hit a golf ball into a hole. Golfers wear special shoes on the golf course. Learn more about this sport in Golf, an AV2 media enhanced book.