Etiqueta: Adria F Klein

Max Va A La Escuela
During his day at school, Max listens to and writes a story, plays on the playground, and eats lunch.

Max Se Queda A Dormir
[English] Most of the time, Maxs friend DeShawn lives with his dad. This weekend, hes staying with his mom, and hes asked Max to a sleepover![Spanish] DeShawn es un amigo de Max que vive con su papá. Esta semana visita a su mamá e invita a Max a quedarse a dormir.

Max Come Al Aire Libre
[English] Max goes to his friend Zoe s house for dinner. Zoe lives with her grandparents. What is Grandpa cooking up in the backyard? [Spanish] Max va a comer a casa de Zoe. Ella vive con sus abuelos. Que prepara el abuelo en el patio?

Max Va De Paseo
[English] Max and Don are good friends. They have lots of fun at the park and the library. Where will these two go next? [Spanish] Max y Don son buenos amigos. Se divierten de lo lindo en el parque y en la biblioteca. ¿Qué harán después?

Max Aprende La Lengua De Se_as
[English] Max s friend Susan cannot hear. She talks with her hands. Will Max s sign language class help him learn how to talk to her? [Spanish] Susan es sorda. Ella habla con las manos. Max va a una clase de lengua de senas para aprender a hablar con ella.