Etiqueta: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

La Gran Tentación
The great temptation: the Mexican petroleum was written by Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador and published last September by Grijalbo. By its own merit, this solid, concise work, of little more than 200 pages, ads up to the fundamental bibliography on the oil topic in Mexico. The title, which aroused -as specified- from a conversation between […]

Influential leftist ideologue and two-time unsuccessful presidential candidate lambastes current regime for its neoliberal depredation of countrys resources, which he argues is comparable to excesses of turn-of-century Porfirian regime that ended in revolution. Draws parallels between government of incumbent PRI party and that of Porfirio Díaz, and argues that so-called modernization of Mexico and spate […]

No Decir Adiós A La Esperanza
Un libro donde Andrés Manuel López Obrador ofrece las razones y los argumentos que lo mueven para continuar en la transformación de la vida pública, sin resignarse a que la estructura del poder político en México permanezca inalterada.