Etiqueta: Andres Rivero

Principe En Salmuera
Principe en Salmuera (written in Spanish) is the story of four generations of a notable Cuban family, successful in politics, law, education, and economy. Grandparents, parents, children, and grandchildren, are the main characters in this story, which describes the success of the family in two worlds: the prosperous Cuba of the fifties, and among the […]

Cuba 1959
CUBA 1959 is a fictional novel written in the Spanish language that recounts the determination and success of a group of young Cubans resisting against Fidel Castros takeover of the island on January 1, 1959. Their political organization, the Brigada de Accion Popular manages to escape Castros vindictive militias, and form an insurgent government inside […]

América En 4 Ruedas
UN LIBRO PARA AVENTUREROS Al americano de cualquier origen que turistea en París, pero no conoce New Orleans, Andrés Rivero lo llama idiota, sin querer ofenderlo, pero deplorando que desdeñe a su hermoso país. Porque este destacado escritor hispano cuestiona seriamente el generalizado concepto de que sólo viajando al extranjero se adquiere cultura. Este libro, […]