Etiqueta: Baptist Spanish Publishing House

Como Llevar Fruto En La Familia De Dios

Como Llevar Fruto En La Familia De Dios

Firmemente arraigados y sobreedificados en el y confirmados por la fe, asi como habeis sido ensenados, abundando en acciones de graciasColosenses 2:7

Caminar Con Cristo

Caminar Con Cristo

These interactive workbooks include Bible investigation, application and reflection, with plenty of space to write in the answers.

El Arte Del Buen Morir

El Arte Del Buen Morir

Some of the themes are: – The initial impact- Facing terminal illness- Death, a part of life- Preparing for death- Life after death and much more.

Guia Sencilla Para Conocer A Jesus

Guia Sencilla Para Conocer A Jesus

All the essential facts about Jesus in a non-intimidating, interesting presentation. It includes: Short chapters The quotes of Jesus OT prophesies and NT fulfillment Historical context and Jesuss response Questions Illustrations… and much more!

La Nueva Vida En Cristo

La Nueva Vida En Cristo

These interactive workbooks include Bible investigation, application and reflection, with plenty of space to write in the answers.

La Vida Cristocentrica = The Spirit Filled Christian

La Vida Cristocentrica = The Spirit Filled Christian

These interactive workbooks include Bible investigation, application and reflection, with plenty of space to write in the answers.

Aventurate Dia A Dia

Aventurate Dia A Dia

A devotional guide for youth which will give them valuable tools for fighting temptation and facing problems. It includes 26 devotionals. It is suggested to use one every two weeks so they will enjoy a full year of activities. Each devotional includes a key verse for every day, plus written activities, puzzles and word searches. […]

Fundamentos De La Fe = Foundations For Faith

Fundamentos De La Fe = Foundations For Faith

These interactive workbooks include Bible investigation, application and reflection, with plenty of space to write in the answers.

Fortalezca Sus Lazos De Amistad

Fortalezca Sus Lazos De Amistad

Themes include: Learning to Love Putting your neighbor in first place How to care for Christians How to construct more intimate friendships Learning to forgive Managing conflict Putting it all together.

Como Profundizar Sus Raices En La Familia De Dios

Como Profundizar Sus Raices En La Familia De Dios

Firmemente arraigados y sobreedificados en el y confirmados por la fe, asi como habeis sido ensenados, abundando en acciones de graciasColosenses 2:7

El Caracter Del Cristiano = The Character Of The Christian

El Caracter Del Cristiano = The Character Of The Christian

These interactive workbooks include Bible investigation, application and reflection, with plenty of space to write in the answers.

Dedito Y Sus Hermanos Aprenden De La Biblia

Dedito Y Sus Hermanos Aprenden De La Biblia

79 Bible stories to be used-in childrens groups. An excellent resource to help children understand and live biblical values. These can be used in any context in which children are taught. A Spanish original.