Etiqueta: Ben Williams

Mira Adentro: Tu Corazón Y Pulmones (look Inside: Your Heart And Lungs)

Mira Adentro: Tu Corazón Y Pulmones (look Inside: Your Heart And Lungs)

Learn all about the incredible things your heart, lungs, arteries, and circulatory system do and how to keep them healthy and strong! With vibrant images and informational text in conjunction with supportive diagrams and stimulating facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title introduces readers to basic biology and vocabulary. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title […]

El Esqueleto Y Los Musculos / The Skeleton And Muscles

El Esqueleto Y Los Musculos / The Skeleton And Muscles

In this book, readers are introduced to the different kinds of bones and muscles, and how they work together to help you move and protect your inner organs. Aside from the science content connections, readers will discover vocabulary related to the skeleton, muscles, and the human body.

El Corazon Y Los Pulmones (the Heart And Lungs): Early Fluent Plus (nonfiction Readers)

El Corazon Y Los Pulmones (the Heart And Lungs): Early Fluent Plus (nonfiction Readers)

Discover how the heart and lungs work together to keep the blood flowing and the body breathing in this book that provides pictures of real hearts and lungs and accompanying diagrams. Readers will learn about circulation and breathing as well as related vocabulary.