Etiqueta: Clorinda Matto De Turner

Viaje De Recreo
In 1908, Clorinda Matto de Turner (Peru 1852-Argentina 1909), a lifelong journalist, feminist and writer, traveled to Europe: Viaje de recreo (Pleasure trip) is her account of her vivid impressions. She was particularly interested in the education of women and in womens career opportunities, but she was also fascinated by the cultural differences between the […]

Aves Sin Nido
This work is the most outstanding example of the authors talent. It is recognized as the precursor of indigenous studies literature and a major piece in the Peruvian literary movement. The story has philantrhopic ideas and sentimental attitudes towards the indigenous people. Details of mistreatment and the incompetence of officials expose the curruption of politiical […]

Un estudiante de derecho que trabaja en un bufete de abogados debe comprobar la autenticidad de una gran herencia. Adalberto, personaje principal, descubrirá en sus pesquisas las causas de la actual situación en México.

Clorinda Matto de Turners second novel, Indole, was published in Lima in 1891, two years after her Aves sin nido shocked the Peruvian reading public with its forthright criticism of Church and state corruption. Like Aves, Indole dramatizes the liberal reformist anticlericalism of late nineteenth century political debates, and is also set in a small […]