Etiqueta: Diana Herweck

En Escena: La Vida De Un Csi (on The Scene: A Csi S Life)
Come find out what professional Crime Scene investigators do to solve a crime in this inspiring Spanish-translated nonfiction reader! In conjunction with detailed images and fascinating facts, readers learn about forensic science, criminal investigative evidence, and crime scene searches. This book includes an interview with a real-life CSI and a glossary, index, and list of […]

La Vida De Un Csi / A Csi S Life
Ven a descubrir qué hacen los prefesionales para resolver un crimen y aprende como podrías convertirte en CSI. –Page 4 of cover.

Un Día En La Vida De Un Vaquero (a Day In The Life Of A Cowhand)
Grab your cowboy hat and saddle up! Early elementary readers learn about all the responsibilities it takes to be a cowhand ranch hand as they move through this captivating Spanish-translated, nonfiction title. Featuring plenty of vibrant photographs in conjunction with informational facts about cattle, cowboys, and rodeos, this book will have readers engaged and eager […]

Un D A De Trabajo: M Dico De Emergencias (all In A Day S Work: Er Doctor)
Emergency room doctors face deadly illnesses and gruesome injuries every day. Whether its a head wound or a contagious virus, ER doctors have one goal: keep their patients alive. Blood, guts, and tears-its all in a days life for an ER doc.

Un Dia En La Vida De Un Bombero / A Day In The Life Of A Fire Fighter
Think youd like to be a fire fighter? Learn about the special equipment fire fighters use, their role in community safety, and their lives at the station. This book features a comprehensive timeline of the history of firefighting from its origins in ancient Rome through firefighting practices of today plus vocabulary related to fire fighters […]

Un D A En La Vida De Una Bailarina (a Day In The Life Of A Ballet Dancer)
Salta al mundo de una bailarina de ballet. Aprende cómo el movimiento, la música, los trajes y el escenario se combinan para contar una historia. Juntas, estas crean una de las formas de arte más bellas del mundo. –P. [4] of cover.

En El Juego: La Vida De Un Atleta = In The Game
La vida de un atleta consiste en practicar deportes. El entrenamiento puede ser difícil, pero el amor al deporte mantiene a los atletas motivados. –Page 4 of cover.

Un Dia De Trabajo / All In A Day S Work
Police officers keep people safe and put criminals behind bars. This book will give you a glimpse of a day in the life of a police recruit-from the police academy, to the uniform, to the law. Youll also learn what you can do to get involved. Becoming a police officer just might be the job […]

Reader S Theater Folk And Fairy Tales Spanish Book Set
This script, written in Spanish, tells the story of a little girl named Goldilocks. As we get to know her, we learn that her curiosity gets her into a great deal of trouble.

Un Día En La Vida De Una Bailarina (a Day In The Life Of A Ballet Dancer)
Leap into the world of a ballet dancer! In this engaging Spanish-translated, nonfiction book, readers learn about the history of this art form as well as what a ballet dancer does to get ready for a performance. With informational text, vibrant photographs, a sample schedule of ballet dancers day, a look at ballet positions, and […]

Un Día De Trabajo: Oficial De Policía (all In A Day S Work: Police Officer)
This nonfiction Spanish-translated reader gives children an in-depth look at what a career as a police officer is like. Readers will learn about various aspects of life as a police officer–from being accepted into the academy to keeping streets safe. Readers will learn what a typical day in the police academy is like as well […]