Etiqueta: Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera, Coleccionista

Diego Rivera, Coleccionista

The exhibition discovers a feature rarely known of famous muralist Diego Riveras (b. Mexico 1886-1957) personality: as a collector of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican art. The book analyses the inspirational force that these ancient objects represented in his artistic creations, particularly those related to ancient cosmovision, while in parallel revalues the importance of Riveras contributions to collectionism: […]

Homenaje A Diego Rivera

Homenaje A Diego Rivera

The exhibition catalogue of portrait paintings by Diego Rivera is an important addition to the understanding of this great 20th century master. The museum holds the worlds largest collection of his easel paintings. Offered here is a large collection of works that belong to private and museum collections of portraits of those who were most […]

Diego Rivera En Veracruz

Diego Rivera En Veracruz

Catalog of an exhibition of 36 works, mostly paintings, by Diego Rivera which are now the property of the state of Veracruz. Rivera donated the works throughout his life to Governor Teodoro A. Dehesa, who in 1907 had financed a scholarship for the painter to study in Europe. Works cover most of the career of […]

Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera

Mejor conocido por su monumental producción muralística, Diego Rivera también fue un destacado pintor de caballete y un extraordinario ilustrador, como este libro lo demuestra de manera elocuente. El volumen ofrece una mirada precisa, y largamente esperada, a esta faceta rica y significativa de la inmensa obra de Rivera, cuya presencia persistió durante toda su […]