Etiqueta: Dona Herweck Rice

Mantenerse En Forma Con Deportes (keeping Fit With Sports)
From basketball to karate, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title shows ways of to staying fit with sports of all kinds. Featuring bright, vivid photos and simple, informational text, this book will inspire readers to explore different sports that theyll want to stay fit with! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

La Vida Marina (sea Life)
From tide pools to the ocean, the sea is filled with amazing life forms! Early readers will be engaged from beginning to end with informational, Spanish-translated text, vivid photos, and a picture glossary of marine animals. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Soy Maravilloso: Mi Rostro (marvelous Me: My Face)
Each face has many parts. They can do many things. Smell, smile, hear wink — the face does it all! Read through the pages of this Spanish-translated e-Book to learn all about faces! Simple sentences, exact text-to-image relationships, large font, and vibrant photographs make reading an enjoyable experience, even for children who struggle with reading.

Grande Y Pequeno (big And Little): Emergent (nonfiction Readers)
Discover the concepts of big and little with colorful pictures and big bold words that provide readers with examples of things that are large and small. A language arts connection is provided with vocabulary related to size.

Mantenerse Sano
Whats the best way to keep the body and mind healthy? This book explores helpful ways to keep bodies in good shape and brain strong as well as the importance of being happy. The language arts connection is important vocabulary about staying healthy.

El Hombrecito De Jengibre (the Gingerbread Man)
Be motivated and inspired to learn basic math skills right alongside the adorable gingerbread man-if you can catch him! This whimsical script is written in Spanish. 24pp.

Animales (animals): Upper Emergent (nonfiction Readers)
Learn about animals and their characteristics along with the differences between mammals, reptiles, and birds. Exciting pictures of animals will keep readers engaged while they are introduced to vocabulary related to animals.

La Vida Marina / Sea Life
Discover the many different and unique life forms living in the sea as you explore the tide pools and dark ocean bottom. The language arts connection is vocabulary related to sea life.

Pegale! Historia De Las Herramientas (hit It! History Of Tools) (fluent Plus)
Whats the big deal about a hammer? Well, one of the biggest advancements in human history was the creation of tools. Find out how tools allowed humans to build, hunt, and just make life easier. You will never look at a toolbox the same way!

La Gallinita Roja (the Little Red Hen)
This script, written in Spanish, tells the story of a hardworking hen in the company of selfish friends who are only motivated to assist her when the fresh-from-the-oven smell of warm bread seeps into the air. 24pp.

Casas Alrededor Del Mundo (homes Around The World)
Learn about the different places that people call home–from apartments to cottages and castles to farmhouses. With bright, vivid photos and easy-to-read informational text, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title introduces readers to different cultures definitions of home. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Puedo Hacer Cualquier Cosa
New readers follow a little girl as she dreams of the wonderful job she could have when she grows up! This exciting book features bright, colorful images and simple text that will engage children and leave them feeling confident in themselves and their developing reading skills! This lap book is the perfect size to use […]

Chicas Y Chicos Malos De Alta Mar (bad Guys And Gals On The High Seas)
Elementary readers learn about famous pirates and pirate history in this interesting and informative nonfiction reader that has been translated into Spanish. Through colorful images, fascinating facts, informational text, and compelling stories, children will learn about famous pirates such as Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, Black Bart, Edward Low, Lady Mary Killigrew, and Mrs. Cheng.

El Tiempo (weather)
Teach beginning readers about the various types of weather including rain, sunshine, snow, fog, wind, and clouds with pages full of bright, colorful images and Spanish-translated, informational text. Through the use of descriptive, academic vocabulary, readers are encouraged to notice the changes in the weather around them.

¡al Bate! Historia Del Béisbol (batter Up! History Of Baseball)
Take a bat, a ball, a mitt, and a warm summer day. Put them all together and youve got the great game of baseball! From the basic rules of baseball to All-Star Games, the first World Series, and the Hall of Fame, readers learn all about Americas national pastime in this Spanish-translated nonfiction title that […]

Me Pongo Mis Sentimientos (i Wear My Feelings) Lap Book
Are you sad? Are you excited? Are you afraid? Read this book to find out what other feelings people show on their faces.

Hansel Y Gretel (hansel And Gretel)
As Hansel and Gretel are abandoned in the forest at two different times by their mean stepmother, they are forced to think fast about how to get themselves back home. This fun script is written in Spanish. 24pp.

Delicioso Y Nutritivo
What do strawberries, eggs, and yogurt have in common? Theyre all good for you of course! Read this book to learn about even more delicious and nutritious foods. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for […]

¡sin Resolver! Misterios De La Historia (unsolved! History S Mysteries)
History is full of unsolved crimes, mysterious disappearances, and strange sightings. Readers will discover some of the most well-known mysteries in history–including Amelia Earhart, Big Foot, and the Salem Witch Trials–in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Featuring detailed images, intriguing facts, and informational text in conjunction with a glossary of terms and an index, readers […]

Misterios De La Historia: Sin Resolver! = History S Mysteries
A strange creature is seen on film. A man disappears into the night, never to be seen again. History is full of unsolved crimes, strange disappearances, and mysterious sightings. Are they real? What actually happened? History is filled with great and terrible mysteries.