Etiqueta: Dona Rice

El Puente De Londres (london Bridge)
Two children repair London Bridge with different types of building materials in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are just beginning to learn to read. The familiar rhyme and images help new readers tell the […]

Los Hogares De Los Animales (animal Homes)
Every animal has a home, just like you do. Each home is unique. Read this book to see where all the animals live. Would you like to live in these animal homes, too? This book, translated in Spanish, allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent […]

¿qué Es Un Abuelo? (what Makes A Grandparent?)
What does it take to be a grandparent? Is it baking cookies? Is it a rocking chair? Every grandchild knows what really makes a grandparent. Read this book and find out. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an […]

Mohandas Gandhi (spanish Version)
Mohandas Gandhi was one of the worlds great leaders who used nonviolent resistance to protest against the caste system. Readers will learn all about his life, Hinduism, and the amazing things he accomplished in this inspiring, Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical title. Children will be fascinated and enlivened through interesting facts, vivid images, a helpful timeline, and […]

Si Fuera Un árbol (if I Were A Tree)
Would you like to be a tree? The child in this book imagines what a trees life might be like. What does a tree do all day? Read this book to find out. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and […]

Roberto Clemente (spanish Version)
As a child, Roberto Clemente wanted to make a difference in the world. Learn how hard work helped make him one of the greatest baseball players of all time. But more than that, find out why Roberto is best remembered as a great person.

Usa Tu Cerebro (use Your Brain)
What can your brain do? Just about anything you want it to! Read this book to imagine all the fun adventures you can have when you use your brain to make them happen. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and […]

¿ves Una Figura? (do You See A Shape?)
Look around you. Do you see a shape? Of course! There are shapes everywhere. Take a look at the shapes in this book to see which ones you recognize. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool […]

Hacia El Espacio (into Space) Lap Book (el Espacio (space))
There are many objects in space. Children will find out what is out there as they read this delightful book about space. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence new readers need […]

Veo Colores (i See Colors)
Colors are everywhere in the world around us. Read this book to learn about colors in the world. Do you see colors around you, too? This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence […]