Etiqueta: Gloria Perez Serrano

Elaboración De Proyectos Sociales
ELABORATION OF SOCIAL PROJECTS – Practical cases – Social workers should be able to elaborate Social Projects, which implies to know how to plan them, to elaborate them, to apply them and to evaluate them, exercising a control function on them at the same time. The book presents, in a clear, practical and guiding manner, […]

El Animador
This book presents the theoretical and practical aspects of the Sociocultural Action and it approaches the figure of the socialcheerleader as well as different environments and technical of its intervention. This figure is called to become an important part of groups in different environments and stadiums of the life: childhood, youth, adults.

Qué Es La Animación Sociocultural
The objective of this work consists on clarifying what the sociocultural animation is, its epistemological perspective, is as well as its scientific construction. It pursues, also, to train the professionals and volunteers linked to the social field of the education and the sociocultural animation for, this way, to improve their daily practice. The purpose of […]