Etiqueta: Jacqueline Laks Gorman

Presents several activities children like to do in parks, including riding on the seesaw, climbing the jungle gym, and digging in the sandbox, in a book with sentences in both English and Spanish.

Police Officers / Policías
A simple description of what a police officer does, helping people, stopping people who break the law, and directing traffic.

The Aquarium/el Acuario
Describes some of the ocean animals that people can observe when they visit an aquarium, and suggests other things to see and do at an aquarium.

Cuáles Son Tus Derechos Básicos?
Outlines the basic rights of US citizens. Presents information on the constitution and Bill of Rights, the limits of government and the responsibilities of good citizens.

Describes some of the things to see and learn about on a visit to a childrens museum, including the stars, the human body, wild animals, dinosaurs, and space.

Quiénes Gobiernan Nuestro País?
Introduces the many levels of government leadership in the United States and discusses the presidency, Congress, state and local governments, and the judiciary.

Describes some of the things to see and do on a visit to the library, including reading, consulting a librarian, listening to stories, using a computer, and borrowing books.

Miembro Del Congreso
Describes the duties of a member of Congress and how someone reaches that office, and looks at famous members of Congress.

The Zoo/el Zoológico
Presents several zoo animals, including snakes, polar bears, hippos, and giraffes, in a book with sentences in both English and Spanish.

Each title introduces readers to one important position in American government, explaining the duties of the office, how someone reaches that office, and famous leaders who have held that office in the past.

Conoce Tu Gobierno, Spring 2009 Set
Conoce tu gobierno (Know Your Government) is a great resource for introducing young readers to our government and the way it works in Spanish language. This series uses easy-to-understand language to explain such key concepts as the importance of laws and elections, the duties of our leaders, and the rights and responsibilities shared by all […]