Etiqueta: James O Crosby

La Tradición Manuscrita De Los Sueños De Quevedo Y La Primera Edición
Francisco de Quevedo, the Spanish poet and satirist whose books were by far the most widely read in Spain in the 17 th century, died unaware that his genius had created modern satire in Spanish, and that for the ensuing five centuries, as we now know, his name would be a household word wherever Spanish […]

Poesía Varia
Esta edicion recoge un exhaustivo examen cronologico de los poemas, lo que permite al lector captar el desarrollo progresivo de su arte, junto con una clasificacion por generos, extraida del propio deseo del autor en sus ultimos anos. Jose Antonio Salas, amigo del poeta, ofrece la pauta de seleccion para esta antologia, que abarca una […]

Nuevas Cartas De La última Prisión De Quevedo
Of the 110 letters pertaining to the last seven years of Quevedos life (1639-1645), 42 were composed during his four-year imprisonment in San Marcos de León. They are extensive and addressed to two distinguished Jesuits with whom Quevedo shared frankly (but under pseudonyms) news received in prison, including literary activity, military campaigns, politics and even […]