Etiqueta: Jose Fernando Ramirez

Copia Paleográfica De Los Antiguos Libros De Cabildo Del Exmo. Ayuntamiento De Esta Capital
Ms. copy from 1850-1860 of the actions of the cabildo or municipal council of Mexico City in the political, administrative, social, and economic affairs of the city, from March 1524 to April 1564. The entries, arranged chronologically, document the actions of the council in matters such as city ordinances, the imposition of fines, orders for […]

Anales Mexicanos
Critical edition of previously unpublished 1847 copy of Nahuatl-language annals (1524-1634) originally collected by Guillermo Dupaix. A transcription and Spanish translation of the document is followed by a full facsimile, and the book ends with a transcription of Faustino Galicia Chimalpocas version (in Spanish) of the Anales de Tepeaca (1528-1634) –Handbook of Latin American Studies, […]