Etiqueta: Josep Lligadas

La Asamblea Litúrgica Y Su Presidencia
These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of the liturgy: liturgical seasons, the sacraments, ministries, etc. They are prepared at the Centro de Pastoral Liturgica, with contributions by a variety of authors. Also works by a single author. Most Dossiers have had multiple […]

Las Siete Plegarias Eucarísticas
Leaflets basically designed for the faithful, to foster prayer and liturgical participation. Or materials for popular pastoral liturgy. These respond to requests by pastors and laypersons, They are usually prepared at the Centro de Pastoral Liturgica. They have been reprinted numerous times. The text of these prayers, with brief introductions and clues to understand them.

Nuestra Señora De Guadalupe
This collection tries to bring us closer–in a simple and friendly way–to the lives of some of the more popular saints with short books (20-24 pages each) of attractive presentation–drawings, color, and the like–that can be read by boys and girls who wish to know their saint, or by any Christian adult who is interested […]

Celebrar El Año Litúrgico
Leaflets basically designed for the faithful, to foster prayer and liturgical participation. Or materials for popular pastoral liturgy. These respond to requests by pastors and laypersons. They are usually prepared at the Centro de Pastoral Liturgica. They have been reprinted numerous times. For Christians who take part in the celebrations, as well as catechists, etc. […]

Nuestra Boda
A grouping of illustrated books, well presented and with pleasant though not superficial contents, created to be given as gifts to those who are preparing for important celebrations. Matrimony, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Baptism of ones child, they also help, later, on the road to Christian living. These books, generally, are 44-48 pages long, and […]

La Comunión En La Misa
Sentido y pastoral de los ritos en torno a la comunión en la misa: Padrenuestro, Paz, Fracción, Comunión (dos especies, cómo comulgar, las formas, el Amén, etc.), después de la comunión. Cómo mejorar su celebración. Artículos de J. Lligadas, J. Aldazábal y otros.

Qué Es El Adviento
El sentido del Adviento, cómo se celebra, con qué actitudes debemos vivirlo. Tiempo de María. Bienes y males del Adviento. Sus signos.

Juan María Vianney, El Cura De Ars
This collection tries to bring us closer–in a simple and friendly way–to the lives of some of the more popular saints with short books (20-24 pages each) of attractive presentation–drawings, color, and the like–that can be read by boys and girls who wish to know their saint, or by any Christian adult who is interested […]

Mi Confirmación
A grouping of illustrated books, well presented and with pleasant though not superficial contents, created to be given as gifts to those who are preparing for important celebrations. Matrimony, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Baptism of ones child, they also help, later, on the road to Christian living. These books, generally, are 44-48 pages long, and […]