Etiqueta: Juan B Artigas H

Capillas Abiertas Aisladas De México

Capillas Abiertas Aisladas De México

CONTENIDO: Capillas abiertas Capillas abiertas aisladas e historiografía – San Juan Atzolcintla, Metztitlán, Hgo – Santa María Magdalena Xihuico, Metztitlán, Hgo – Jonacatepec, Yautepec y San Agustín Tepetlixpita, Mor – San Juan Texcalpan, Atlatlauhcan, Mor – Ahuatlán y Anenecuilco, Mor – Capilla del Señor Santiago en Nepopualco, Totolapan, Mor – La capilla abierta de Tlaxcala […]

Unam México

Unam México

Annotated guide to the architectural patrimony of UNAM, Mexicos largest university. It covers the colonial and other historic buildings in downtown Mexico City, the 20th century complexes, library, public art and other buildings in the Ciudad Universitaria as well as buildings throughout Mexico. With many illustrations and location maps.