Etiqueta: Juan O Gorman

Juan O Gorman, 100 Anos/ Juan O Gorman, 100 Years

Juan O Gorman, 100 Anos/ Juan O Gorman, 100 Years

Beautiful and richly illustrated catalogue of the exhibition that honors architect and painter OGorman in the centennial of his birth, presenting the most representative pieces of his multifaceted career: as an architect, painter, muralist, and an intellectual historian and sociologist. The magna event covered his creative process and his philosophy of progressive socialism in modern […]

Juan O Gorman

Juan O Gorman

This volume displays several subjects in relation to the house projected and constructed by OGorman for Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in San Angel, that are considered first of the funcionalist style for OGorman. The Rivera and Kahlo house is detailed as to theory, plan and use. It also includes the way in which Diego […]