Etiqueta: Kathleen Pohl

Descubramos Irán

Descubramos Irán

Introduces Iran, including the geography, people, education, rural and urban life, housing, food, work, and amusements, along with other information about the country.

Descubramos Israel

Descubramos Israel

Introduces Israel, including the geography, people, education, rural and urban life, housing, food, work, and amusements, and provides other information about the country.

What Happens At A Bike Shop?/ Que Pasa En Una Tienda De Bicicletas?

What Happens At A Bike Shop?/ Que Pasa En Una Tienda De Bicicletas?

Describes what Mr. Jensen, the owner of a bicycle shop, does at work, including helping a customer pick out a bicycle, and unpacking a new bicycle and putting the pieces together.

What Happens At A Firehouse?/¿qué Pasa En Una Estación De Bomberos?

What Happens At A Firehouse?/¿qué Pasa En Una Estación De Bomberos?

Describes what happens at a firehouse, where the fire fighters live together like a big family, keep their gear clean and ready to use, and move quickly when they have to answer an alarm.

Descubramos Canadá

Descubramos Canadá

Introduces Canada, including the geography, people, education, rural and urban life, housing, food, work, and amusements, and provides other information about the country.

Descubramos Etiopía

Descubramos Etiopía

Ésta introducción a la Etiopía incluye información sobre la geografía, pueblo, educación, vida rural y urbana, comida, trabajo y juegos.

What Happens At A Dairy Farm?/que Pasa En Una Granja Lechera?

What Happens At A Dairy Farm?/que Pasa En Una Granja Lechera?

Describes what dairy cows are like and the kind of work that is done at a dairy farm to get milk ready to be sent away to be bottled.

Descubramos Polonia

Descubramos Polonia

Esta introducción a Polonia incluye información sobre la geografía, pueblo, educación, vida rural y urbana, comida, trabajo y juegos.