Etiqueta: Lisa Greathouse

Todo Acceso: Una Casa De Modas
La moda es algo más que modelos en las pasarelas. La moda empieza con una idea del diseñador. Involucra cortar y coser la tela, y el negocio de fabricación y venta de ropa. ¡Este libro te mostrará cómo el dibujo de un diseñador se convierte en la moda que queremos usar!

Los Juegos Son Divertidos
¿Sabías que puedes buscar patrones mientras juegas? Algunos juegos tienen patrones que son fáciles de ver. Un tablero de damas tiene un patrón de color: rojo, negro, rojo, negro. ¡Los patrones son divertidos! –P. [4] of cover.

La Búsqueda De Lo Mejor Personal: Los Deportes Individuales (the Quest For Personal Best: Individual Sports)
Sports offer opportunities for readers to learn and apply concepts and principles related to force and motion. Readers learn how science plays a critical factor in any athletes quest to be the best at his or her sport. They read how mass is related to acceleration and velocity. Physics and aerodynamics affect many sports and […]

Los Pulmones
Breathe in . . . breathe out. Do you ever wonder how you can do that? and do you ever wonder what happens to the air you breathe? Read this book to learn about your amazing lungs and how they work.

La Búsqueda De La Velocidad: Los Vehículos (the Quest For Speed: Vehicles)
The need for speed is the motivating factor in this engaging book. Readers learn the history of travel from the very slow to the supersonic and beyond, including everything in between. They learn and discover the factors that influence motion for all types of vehicles: land, air, and water alike. They also learn different ways […]

Casos Misteriosos / Mysterious Events
Imagine a world where fish and frogs rain from the sky, unexplained booms rattle your house, and rocks slide across the ground by themselves. Welcome to planet Earth! Mysterious events are happening around the world. Despite advances in science and technology, these strange events remain unexplained.

Los Solidos
What does this Spanish-translated book, a table, and your big toe have in common? They are all solids! A solid keeps its shape and always has the same volume. Read this Spanish-translated book to learn about solids and how they are different from liquids and gases.

Cómo Funcionan Los Parques De Diversiones (how Amusement Parks Work)
This book will be a hit with both thrill seekers and with those who prefer to stay safely on the ground. After an introduction to Newtons three laws of motion, readers learn the mechanics of various amusement park rides including roller coasters, Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, and gravity rides. They learn how to measure motion, and […]

El Cerebro (brain)
Hooray for your brain! Without it, you could not read these words right now! But where is your brain exactly, and what does it do? Use your brain to read this book and learn all about it!

Los Sentidos (senses)
How do we learn about the world around us? One good way is to use our senses. The senses give us five different ways to explore the world. But how do they do that? Read this book to find out!

Todo Acceso: Una Casa De Modas (backstage Pass: Fashion)
Learn how a designers sketch becomes the fashion we wear and how a designer uses math and geometry to make their designs successful in this fashion-filled book! Including information about the fashion industry, clothing fabrics, patterns, and textures, readers learn all about the different aspects of the fashion industry. With a glossary, index, vivid images, […]

Cuenta Conmigo! El Torneo De Futbol (count Me In! Soccer Tournament) (early Fluent Plus)
¿Por qué más gente juega fútbol que cualquier otro deporte? Es un juego muy emocionante. ¡Las reglas básicas pueden ser sencillas, pero se requiere de mucha práctica para ser hábil para driblar, pasar, cabecear – y anotar! Observa un equipo que – con mucha entrega y trabajo duro – llega al gran torneo! –P. [4] […]

Bicicletas Y Tablas
Readers will be amazed to discover that every time they climb onto bicycles and ride like the wind, they are defying gravity! This Spanish-translated book explains the physics and history behind bicycles, skateboards, and surfboards. Readers learn what happens from the simplest movement of rolling forward to more complex tricks and stunts of jumping and […]

La Búsqueda Personal Por Un Récord: Los Deportes Individuales (the Quest For Personal Best
True or False: The only reason to play sports is to have fun. False! They also offer opportunities for readers to learn and apply concepts and principles related to force and motion. Readers learn how science plays a critical factor in any athletes quest to be the best at his or her sport. They read […]

Panadería (the Bakery)
Learn basic subtraction at the bakery! This engaging, Spanish-translated title uses familiar examples of a bakery selling tasty baked goods to make learning subtraction and number operations easy and fun! Practical examples, vivid images, mathematical diagrams, and engaging You Try It! problems all help young readers understand subtraction and early STEM themes. If there were […]

El Corazon
There is an amazing muscle inside you. It pumps blood and keeps you healthy. What is it? Your heart! Read all about it in this book.

¡cuenta Conmigo! El Torneo De Fútbol (count Me In! Soccer Tournament)
Invite readers along on the preparations for a soccer tournament! With informational, Spanish-translated text, vibrant photos and charts, children are engaged from cover to cover while utilizing mathematic skills to increase understanding of all aspects of soccer, including sportsmanship and tournaments. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Escalar Y Saltar (climbing And Diving)
Readers may never expect that they might free fall to Earth, but if they have ever dived into a pool, thats exactly what theyve done. This book shows readers how Newtons three laws of motion affect divers, skydivers, and mountain climbers movements. Readers discover who uses gravity, and who works against it, and all other […]

Los Pulmones (lungs)
Breathe in . . . breathe out. Do you ever wonder how you can do that? And do you ever wonder what happens to the air you breathe? Read this Spanish-translated book to learn about your amazing lungs and how they work! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Hora De Recreo (recess Time) (nivel K (level K))
Make patterns fun at recess time! This exciting title has been translated into Spanish and helps young readers recognize repeating patterns all around through helpful charts and familiar images of recess time. Children will better understand early STEM themes through the help of simple, applicable examples of patterns. This title will engage young readers with […]