Etiqueta: Martha E H Rustad

Las Estrellas/the Stars
Simple text and photographs introduce stars and their features–in both English and Spanish –Provided by publisher.

Jets De Combate De La Infanteria De Marina De Ee.uu./u.s. Marine Corps Combat Jets
Provides an overview of combat jets including their design, weapons, equipment, crew, missions, and role in the U.S. Marine Corps. Written in English and Spanish.

La Historia De Un Pato Bebé/a Baby Duck Story
Pick and preen. Fluffy feathers fall out. Sleek feathers grow in. Whats it like for ducklings to grow up?

Las Hojas En Otono/leaves In Fall
In fall, many green leaves turn orange, yellow, and red. See how much fun you can have with leaves after they fall off the tree.

Animals In Fall
In fall, animals are busy getting ready for winter. See how hard they work to make sure they have enough food and shelter for the cold winter ahead.

Baby Seal Story
Describes the life of a baby seal, from birth with fur so wet it looks yellow, through molting and learning to swim and hunt, to setting off into the open sea.

Animales En Invierno/animals In Winter
Simple text and photographs present animals in winter–in both English and Spanish –Provided by publisher.