Etiqueta: Mary G Berg

Viaje De Recreo
In 1908, Clorinda Matto de Turner (Peru 1852-Argentina 1909), a lifelong journalist, feminist and writer, traveled to Europe: Viaje de recreo (Pleasure trip) is her account of her vivid impressions. She was particularly interested in the education of women and in womens career opportunities, but she was also fascinated by the cultural differences between the […]

Peregrinaciones De Una Alma Triste
In 1875, Juana Manuela Gorriti hurried to finish her new novel, Peregrinaciones de una alma triste, in order to include it in the two-volume collection, Panoramas de la vida, published in 1876, dedicated to the women of Buenos Aires. Peregrinaciones is both the story of a young womans dramatic liberation and self-discovery, and a critical […]