Etiqueta: Michael Dahl

Corta Y Para

Corta Y Para

Una cuña es un máquina simple. Las máquinas simples facilitan el trabajo, como levantar cargas pesadas o cortar objetos en pedazos más pequeños. Las cuñas cortan y rebanan. También unen cosas. ¿Qué más pueden hacer las cuñas?

Eggs And Legs

Eggs And Legs

A counting book that follows the construction of a building, from one plan to twelve stories. Readers are invited to find hidden numbers on an illustrated activity page–in both English and Spanish.

One Checkered Flag

One Checkered Flag

A counting book that follows the construction of a building, from one plan to twelve stories. Readers are invited to find hidden numbers on an illustrated activity page–in both English and Spanish.

Lots Of Ladybugs

Lots Of Ladybugs

Introduces counting by fives by counting the number of spots on the shell of a ladybug. Readers are invited to find hidden numbers on an illustrated activity page–in both English and Spanish —

One Big Building

One Big Building

A counting book that follows the construction of a building, from one plan to twelve stories and includes related facts and counting activities.