Etiqueta: Miquel Abellan

Barcelona Skyline

Barcelona Skyline

This is a tour of Barcelonas magnificent architecture – from glorious 18th century houses to ultra-stylish contemporary office blocks such as the Torre AGBAR. Featuring both hidden gems and internationally renowned buildings, Barcelona Skyline reveals the amazing architecture of the city.



Ce livre montre un aperçu des dernières tendances du design dans larchitecture éphémère. Le sens darchitecture éphémère est pour la plupart dentre nous synonyme darchitecture temporaire, qui disparaît une fois arrivée à son aboutissement. Selon cette conception, Éphémère veut dire disparition physique de larchitecture. Cependant léphémère ne se limite pas toujours à une simple disparition […]

Brand & Branding

Brand & Branding

Beskrivelse: This is a stunning visual showcase of some of the most innovative and cutting edge brand design in the world. Drawing on the work of some of the worlds most talented, innovative, and creative brand and product designers, Brand & Branding offers a stunning visual showcase of how design can be used to create […]