Etiqueta: Museo Del Prado

La Colección Raimon Casellas
Homenaje escrito a este crítico de arte, literato del modernismo catalán y ejemp lo de la historia del coleccionismo erudito en Cataluña.

The Sale Of The Century
On 30th January, following his defeat in the English Civil War, Charles I was executed. A few months later, Parliament passed an Act for the Sale of the Late Kings Goods, and in early October the Sale of the Century began. Over the next four years, masterpieces by Raphael, Titian, Mategna, Veronese and other famous […]

Jacopo Tintoretto
Table of contents: I. Tintoretto and the Venetian Culture and Religious Environment Paul Hills, Tintoretto and Venetian Gothic – Augusto Gentili, Tintoretto in contesto tra politica e religione – Benjamin Paul, Archaism and Pauline Spirituality in Jacopo Tintoretto’s Crucifixion for SS. Cosma e Damiano – Tom Nichols, False Gods: Tintoretto’s Mythologies as Anti-poesie – Bernard […]