Etiqueta: Nancy Harris

¿qué Es La Declaración De Independencia?
This series offers a perfect introduction to federal, state, and local governments. Through clear, concise text, each book explores the structure, function, and responsibilities of each branch of the government. Books include vivid photographs, maps and charts.

Books in this series give readers an exciting tour through the world of colors. Each book uses simple, repetitive text to teach basic vocabulary and includes stunning photographs that show each color in a variety of contexts. In Violet, children can view violet rocks, flowers, stems, scales, and more!

El Himno Nacional
Books in this series introduce young readers to the United States government through a discussion of our countrys patriotic symbols. In The National Anthem, children learn about the history of the Star Spangled Banner , and how it came to be the national song. They also learn how this song is a symbol of the […]

¿qué Es La Carta De Derechos?
Introduces the Bill of Rights, including its history, the civil rights for which it provides, and other amendments to the Constitution that have been added since the Bill of Rights.

Simple text and colorful illustrartions shows things that are yellow, comparing them with similar items of a different color.