Etiqueta: Neil T Anderson

Beta Guia Para Estudiantes / Beta Student Guide
The Beta Leaders Guide discipleship course is designed to communicate the essential truths of the Christian faith. Understandiing these truths will help believers from new converts to those whose walk has become stagnant to resolve personal and spiritual conflicts through genuine repentance

Victoria Sobre La Oscuridad
The powers of darkness attack us daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson shows us in Victory over the Darkness, you can have the power to conquer them by knowing who you are in Christ.

Rompiendo Las Cadenas Edicin Jvenes: The Bondage Breaker Youth Edition
Clear, exciting, and practical, this powerful study guide asks–and answers the hard questions young people are struggling with. Packed with penetrating insights, every page demonstrates Gods love for teens and young adults and Jesuss promise that they can live a victorious, abundant, and free life.

Guia Basica Para La Guerra Espiritual = The Beginner S Guide To Spiritual Warfare
Toda guerra espiritual comienza con la batalla por nuestra mente. Lo que creemos, determina nuestro nivel de victoria. Sea usted un cristiano maduro o un nuevo creyente, siempre se puede alcanzar un nuevo nivel de exito en la lucha diaria contra el enemigo. Los maestros Neil Anderson y Timothy Warner se han unido para escribir […]

Libertad En Cristo: Curso Para Hacer Discipulos Guia Del Lider
GUIA DEL LIDER – El Curso de Hacer Discipulos de Libertad en Cristo es una forma sencilla y efectiva para que cualquier iglesia ayude a que cada creyente sea un discipulo libre y maduro en Cristo. Este curso de 13 semanas cubre la ensenanza basica de Libertad en Cristo de modo claro y directo. Es […]

Oremos En El Poder Del Espiritu/lets Pray In The Power Of The Spirit
The author takes you to the Word of God and digs out truth, truth that will bring you help and freedom in your life. As you allow your mind to be renewed by the Scripture