Etiqueta: Nicolas Gomez Davila

Escolios A Un Texto Implícito

Escolios A Un Texto Implícito

These aphorisms, or modestly named annotations, are distillations of the thought of one of the Americas most outstanding conservative philosophers. This work is considered of major importance in Italy and Germany, where translations of his theology, informed by a hard-edged realism, continue to stimulate debate. Compared, among others, with Pascal, Rivarol, Joubert, Jürgen, and Cioran, […]



Tras la publicacion de los aforismos completos de su obra magna, Escolios a un texto implicito, Atalanta presenta ahora el segundo libro que aparecio en vida de Nicolas Gomez Davila. Publicado en 1959 en Bogota, bajo el sobrio titulo de Textos I, este volumen tiene la particularidad, dentro del conjunto de su obra publicada, de […]



The work of Nicolás Gómez Dávila demonstrates that living is the most philosophical act of all. Discussing such questions as How long has philosophy been felt and understood as a far away oasis to which only important intellectuals and scholars can have access? What would happen if we prove that philosophy is nothing different than […]