Etiqueta: Nitya Lacroix

Aromaterapia Sensual/the Art Of Sensual Aromatherapy

Aromaterapia Sensual/the Art Of Sensual Aromatherapy

Through simple and effective techniques and with the support of attractive photos, this book teaches how to create a sensual atmosphere through the stimulation of all the senses, how to improve ones sexual, emotional and spiritual relationships, how to enjoy a self-massage, and how to liven up sexual encounters. This romantic guide will allow couples […]

El Arte Del Sexo Tantrico

El Arte Del Sexo Tantrico

Muchas personas tienen actualmente el deseo de lograr una vida sexual mas rica, prolongada, y duradera. En ese sentido, el Tantra ofrece una filosofia basada en la energia del orgasmo sexual que trasciende a la experiencia comun del sexo. Este libro le transmitira la esencia del sexo tantrico, a traves de fotos a todo color […]