Etiqueta: Olga Roig

Símbolos Ocultos Y Mágicos

Símbolos Ocultos Y Mágicos

A passionate journey through the greatest enigmas of the past, this series seeks the answers to impossible questions that are shrouded in mystery. The explanation of the universe has fascinated humans since the beginning of time, and in their attempts at discovery, they have developed science, worshipped gods, invented myths, and had miracles revealed. Un […]

Santeria Yoruba

Santeria Yoruba

This book satisfies the need for knowledge of this expanding religious force that links its devotees in America to a spiritual wisdom seemingly lost in modern society.

60 Dietas A Prueba (ne)

60 Dietas A Prueba (ne)

Olga Roig nos ofrece en esta guía toda la información necesaria para conocer y valorar las dietas más famosas, para así descubrir cuál es la que más se ajusta a las necesidades de cada uno.

Trucos De Limpieza

Trucos De Limpieza

Loaded with tips and solutions to make life easier, this series offers advice on such themes as cleaning your home, finding a job, and even matters of the heart, offering practical advice to help live a more productive and stress-free lifestyle. Esta serie está llena de información que ofrece soluciones y consejos para ayudar a […]

Tarot De Marsella Super Facil

Tarot De Marsella Super Facil

The Tarot of Marseilles is one of the standard patterns for the design of tarot cards. It is a pattern from which many subsequent tarot decks derive. This is a practical guide to learn how to use the cards.