Etiqueta: Ramtha

Ese Elixir Llamado Amor
What is love really about? Is it real? What makes us fall in love? What can we expect from our relationships?. Ramtha evaluate all this topics in this Classic book.

Un Estado De Ser: Mi Historia
La vida íntima de JZ Knight narrada según sus propias palabras. Su historia incluye su acercamiento e introducción a Ramtha, y es una narración del triunfo del espíritu humano. Ramtha le dijo: Bien, con tu permiso, voy a utilizar tu cuerpo durante un periodo de tiempo… En retrospectiva, mi vida se ha asemejado a una […]

Divinidad Perdida Y Manipulacion Genetica
Part II of A Masters Reflection continues the story of the human saga. Ramtha redefines the emergence of Christ consciousness in the individual as the attainment of enlightenment & explains it in terms of todays popular wisdom.

El Cerebro
EL CEREBRO EL GRAN ARQUITECTOPartiendo de un detallado esquema del cerebro y de los niveles de conciencia y energía del espectro electromagnético de la luz, incluidos en el material gráfico del CD, Ramtha da una clase magistral sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro y su función en la creación de nuestra realidad. Pasando por las diferentes […]

Redescrubrimiento De Las Perlas De La Sabiduria
Story of the human saga from the Atlantis war to the rising of religion. The description of the next stage in our evolution, which he calls the dawn of a new enlightenment, is breathtaking, he says that all the problems of the human being are due to the ignorance of its origins.

El Plano Sublime
The book describes topics that are essentially the barest mystery of human wondering and human contemplation by a Spiritual Path.

El Misterio Del Amor
In this books, Ramtha explains what love really is: Love is not about giving to people everything they want. Love is not about physical seduction. Love is not about enslavement. And love doesnt have anything to do with owning a persons children. Its something else. And we shall study love today, something that my old […]