Etiqueta: Robin Nelson

Donde Hay Agua?
Summarizes where water is found on Earth, including lakes, icebergs, and a garden hose, and introduces related concepts such as how to find water on a map and facts such as how high the highest waterfall is.

Empujar Y Jalar (push And Pull)
Simple text introduces how different objects move, in different patterns and in different speeds, when pushed or pulled.

Del Cemento Al Puente
How is a bridge built? Cement is mixed with water and rocks to make concrete. The concrete is poured into holes and into blocks that are stacked to make a bridge. Once fences and lights are added to the bridge, cars can drive across it.

Ser Responsable
An introduction to being responsible at school, at home, and in the community, with specific examples of how to be responsible at home and school.