Etiqueta: Rosen Publishing Group

A Lavarse Las Manos = Washing My Hands
A girl describes how she washes her hands and gives examples of times when hand washing is important.

La Cruz Roja
Introduces the history, structures, goals, and projects of the International Red Cross and Crescent.

El Puente Akashi Kaikyo
This Japanese bridge is more than 2 miles long! Challenged readers will be intrigued by this and other fun facts about this amazing bridge.

El Marqués De Lafayette
Discusses the life and work of French soldier and political thinker, Marquis de Lafayette, and his role in the American Revolution.

Phillis Wheatley
A biography of the African slave who was taken in and educated by a Boston couple and became well-known because of the poetry she wrote.

Nat Love: Vaquero Afroamericano: Nat Love: African American Cowboy
Surveys the life of Nat Love, African American cowboy, renowned for his riding, roping, and sharpshooting.

La Represa De Itaipu
Many children have heard of dams, but not many know what they are. This book engages young readers as it reveals the many fascinating aspects of the worlds largest dam, which was built on the border of Paraguay and Brazil.

La Historia Del Futbol Americano
El fútbol americano es uno de los cuatro deportes más populares de Estados Unidos y uno de los juegos que mayor cantidad de atención general acapara. Es tan llamativo este juego, que comunidades de todo el mundo lo siguen, ya sea por cable o por Internet, aunque no son grupos nativos de Norteamérica. Por esta […]

Paul Revere
Describes the life and times of the well-known hero of the American Revolution, Paul Revere, a patriot and silversmith whose midnight ride was made famous in a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Francisca Alvarez: El Angel De Goliad/the Angel Of Goliad
In 1836, a Mexican woman saves the lives of twenty Texan soldiers captured by the Mexican army in the town of Goliad, Texas.

John Paul Jones
Describes the life and times of the well-known naval hero of the American Revolution, John Paul Jones, who is called the father of the United States Navy.

A Lavarse Los Dientes
Los dientes están presentes en los animales vertebrados y están encargados de realizar una función básica para la alimentación: la masticación de los alimentos. Las personas, al igual que la mayoría de los mamíferos, tienen una dentadura temporal -los llamados dientes de leche- que aparecen entre los seis y los veinticuatro meses. A partir de […]

Describes what the different track events are, how to warm up for a track meet, and how to compete in a track meet.

Jesse James: Legendario Bandido Del Oeste: Jesse James: Bank Robber Of The American West
A biography of Jesse James, who became an outlaw during the Civil War and formed his own gang of robbers and murderers with his brother, Frank, in 1866.

Habitat Para La Humanidad
Habitat for Humanity has built more than 100,000 houses around the world. Volunteers of all ages help Habitat for Humanity. Young readers will be inspired by the work Habitat does. They may even volunteer to help!

Ps:sojourner Truth Spanish(hc)
Surveys the life of Sojourner Truth, who escaped from slavery and became famous as an advocate of equal rights for women and blacks.

Wild Bill Hickok
Profiles the life and exploits of William Hickok, the legendary Western sharpshooter known as Wild Bill.

Aviones Del Pasado
Describes what early planes and air travel were like, how planes were developed to travel faster, and presents some pioneers of aviation.

Brigadas Aereas Contraincendios/smoke Jumpers
Discusses what a smoke jumper does, how to become a smoke jumper, and the safety equipment they have to have.

George Washington
A biography of the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and first president of the United States, George Washington.