Etiqueta: Sarah L Schuette

Triangulos / Triangles
Simple text, photographs, and illustrations show triangles in everyday objects–in both English and Spanish –Provided by publisher.

Como Cuidar Mis Oidos/taking Care Of My Ears
Text and photographs present information on how people hear with their ears, and reviews how to keep ears healthy. Written in English and Spanish.

Veamos El Verano/let S Look At Summer
Simple text and photographs present what happens to the weather, animals and plants in summer–in both English and Spanish –T.p. verso.

Amarillo/ Yellow
Text and photographs describe common things that are yellow, including mustard, pencils, and lemonade –Provided by publisher.

Harley Davidson Motorcycles
Brief text describes Harley-Davidson motorcycles, including their main features, how people customize them, and why they are popular.

Cuadrados / Squares
Simple text, photographs, and illustrations show squares in everyday objects in both English and Spanish.