Etiqueta: Tea Benduhn

Energía Del Viento
Wind Power: A waving flag, blowing leaves, a kite soaring through the skyall are moved by wind power. Wind is also our fast-growing source of energy. Find out how wind forms and the different ways we may use it in the future.

Presents information about vegetables, and how eating a variety of them every day can keep children strong and healthy.

La Vida En Las Selvas Tropicales
Describes conditions in tropical rain forests, how people can live in the rain forest, the lives of traditional rain forest peoples, and the effects of the modern world on the rain forest.

La Vida En Los Desiertos
Describes desert conditions, how people can live in deserts, the lives of traditional desert peoples, and the effects of the modern world on deserts.

La Antigua Roma
Life Long Ago brings ancient civilizations to life and reinforces important early elementary social studies standards such as time, continuity, and change. Students will learn what daily life was like, how ancient peoples governed themselves, how they communicated, and how the influences of ancient cultures are still felt today.

La Vida Al Límite Regiones Polares
Focusing on a key topic in the second grade social studies curriculum, this Spanish series explores how people adapt to their environment and how they impact it. ELLs will learn about life in four fascinating regions with especially challenging climates and living conditions.

Leche Y Queso
Presents information about milk and cheese, and how eating them every day can keep bones and teeth strong and healthy.

Etanol Y Otros Combustibles Nuevos
Learn about power resources and new kinds of fuels made from plants that can help to preserve our environment for the future.

La Vida En El Pasado/life Long Ago
Life Long Ago brings ancient civilizations to life and reinforces important early elementary social studies standards such as time, continuity, and change. Students will learn what daily life was like, how ancient peoples governed themselves, how they communicated, and how the influences of ancient cultures are still felt today.