Etiqueta: Virginia Satir

En Contacto íntimo

En Contacto íntimo

Quiero amarte sin aferrarme, apreciarte sin juzgarte, unirme a ti sin invadirte, invitarte sin exigirte, dejarte sin sentirme culpable, criticarte sin hacer que te sientas culpable y ayudarte sin ofenderte. Si puedo obtener de ti el mismo trato, podremos conocernos verdaderamente y enriquecernos mutuamente. El camino hacia una mejor comunicación se inicia aprendiendo a contactar. […]

2 Ed

2 Ed

Virginia Satir offers here a profound analysis of the nuclear family and its important influences on matters ranging from adolescence to retirement, and from spirituality to world peace. She discusses good parenting in families with only one parent, with ethnically mixed parents, and with homosexual parents. The strong relationship between family life and the adults […]

Terapia Familiar Paso A Paso

Terapia Familiar Paso A Paso

Based on the idea that world salvation can be achieved by first saving the family unit, this book emerges from the tensions, arguments, disagreements, and other dysfunctions that affect modern family life. Its purpose is to come up with strategies to implement the authors central tenet: a family that stimulates and appreciates individual differences, tolerates […]