Etiqueta: Wendy Guerra

Posar Desnuda En La Habana

Posar Desnuda En La Habana

Engaged to be married to a rich banker, 19-year-old Anaïs Nin travels to Cuba where she includes entries in her now-famous journals, exploring her dreams of writing in Paris and living by no moral code.

Ropa Interior

Ropa Interior

Underwear is the authors first poetry book published outside Cuba. The book describes the life in the island, the losses, the loving feeling, the yearning for fulfillment. It opens with a very decisive Anais Nin pays a visit to a famous publisher, who didnt like the book and return the manuscripts to her saying: Madam, […]

Todos Se Van

Todos Se Van

Relato en forma de diario personal, que abarca de los ocho a los veinte años de Nieve Guerra, Todos se van cuenta la infancia y adolescencia de su protagonista y, a la vez, muestra la vida en la Cuba actual sin prejuicios de ningún tipo. Crónica, pues, de una experiencia individual, escrita con fuerza y […]