Etiqueta: Wilhelm K Grimm

Caperucita Roja / Little Red Riding Hood
A classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale follows Little Red Riding Hood into the forest and along the wooded path to deliver a basket of food to her sick grandmother, but she encounters a Big Bad Wolf with an empty stomach and a cunning mind, who has other plans for Red and her grandmother. Original.

Hermanos Grimm (libro Verde)
HERMANOS GRIMM (LIBRO VERDE): Espanol a Ingles Text Fragment Translations Bilingual (Dual-Language) Edition THIS EDITION: The parallel text contained herein has been compartmentalised from its original form into sentences, sub-paragraphs, and paragraphs, for quick and easy cross-referencing. The emphasis is on attaining a high correlation between each set of text fragments. The text has been […]

Cuentos De Los Hermanos Jacob Y Wilhelm Grimm
Edición a color que reúne obras de los mejores ilustradores de los últimos doscientos años. Aquí encontrara treinta cuentos maravillosos que sin duda lo harán recordar su infancia. Entre otros como La Cenicienta , Blancanieves , La bella durmiente y Hansel y Gretel , El enano saltarín . Estos cuentos inspiraron entre 1800 y 1930 […]