Etiqueta: William B Rice

Los Tornados (tornadoes)
As far as dangerous weather goes, tornadoes may be the most fierce and powerful of storms. Readers will learn how and where tornadoes hit, and how people protect themselves from their life-threatening winds. But not all people run for cover when a tornado hits. Storm chasers actually run after these swirling masses! Readers will be […]

Los Pastizales Africanos
Authentic, leveled content that helps students practice and develop their nonfiction reading skills.

El Desierto Del Valle De La Muerte
Authentic, leveled content that helps students practice and develop their nonfiction reading skills.

Los Tornados
As far as dangerous weather goes, tornadoes may be the most fierce and powerful of storms. Readers will learn how and where tornadoes hit, and how people protect themselves from their life-threatening winds. But not all people run for cover when a tornado hits. Storm chasers actually run after these swirling masses! Readers will be […]

¡supervivencia! Jungla (survival! Jungle)
Do you know the important skills it takes to survive in the jungle? Learn about them in this useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With helpful diagrams, vital tips and instructions, vivid images, and a glossary of useful terms, this title will have readers feeling aware and prepared! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and […]

La Selva Amazónica (amazon Rainforest)
There is so much to explore in the Amazon! Readers are taken on an adventure through the Amazon rainforest to learn about the lush plants and beautiful animals, deforestation, and rainforest conservation in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title that features striking photographs and riveting facts. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a […]

Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall had a passion to learn about animals. Readers will learn all about her adventurous life among chimpanzees and other primates in this inspiring Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical reader. Children will be fascinated by the vibrant images, stimulating facts, and accessible glossary that will assist in vocabulary improvement.

Animales Del Desierto En Peligro
Many desert animals around the world are in danger of becoming extinct. In this enlightening nonfiction title that has been translated into Spanish, readers will learn a few of the causes of extinction in the desert and what problems extinction causes for animals, wildlife, and humans alike. Through vibrant photos of beautiful animals and stunning […]

La Evaporación (evaporation)
How does a liquid become a gas? Through evaporation! Evaporation helps make puddles disappear after it rains. In this Spanish-translated book, learn all about evaporation and how it happens.

Animales Del Mar En Peligro (endangered Animals Of The Sea)
There are millions of animals that call the ocean home. Some of these animals are in danger. Readers will learn about marine animals that are at risk of becoming endangered and what people and activists like Jacques Cousteau have done to help. Readers will also learn about the causes of endangered animals, including pollution and […]

Los Incendios (fires)
Perhaps nothing is more frightening than seeing a forest fire rage out of control. Sometimes, however, fires are set intentionally to benefit the environment. Readers will learn not only what fire is and how it burns, they also learn how fires can both help and harm the areas they affect.

Los Pastizales Africanos (african Grasslands)
Journey to Africa to explore the world of the grasslands! Readers are taken on an adventure through the grasslands to learn about the various animal and plant life and grassland conservation in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book that features striking photographs and riveting facts. Even the most reluctant of readers will be captivated as they […]

La Condensacion
How does a gas change to a liquid? Through condensation! Condensation is the liquid that appears on your bathroom mirror after a hot shower. It is the big gray clouds in the sky just before a rain. In this Spanish-translated book, learn all about condensation and how it happens.

Las Inundaciones Y Las Ventiscas (floods And Blizzards)
Readers may list more differences than similarities when comparing floods and blizzards. But, they will discover they have one vital ingredient in common: water. Readers will learn the powerful forces of water as it pertains to floods and blizzards. They also discover that although these two forces of nature can cause difficulties for people, they […]

Los Asteroides Y Los Cometas
The sky is filled with much to see. We see the sun during the day and the moon and stars at night. But you can see other interesting things as well-like bright lights with tails and objects that shoot straight through the stars! These things are asteroids and comets. Learn all about them in this […]

Los Volcanes
Images of an erupting volcano can be mesmerizing. Readers may be surprised to learn that volcanoes erupt every day. Some erupt constantly, while others lie dormant for years or even centuries. Readers learn what happens beneath the Earth to cause a volcanic eruption and the different structures beneath the Earth that cause new land to […]