El Despertar Del Hombre / The Awakening Of Man

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Resumen del Libro

In The Awakening of Man, the enigmas and mysteries of our origins are hypothetically decrypted and inevitably open a new conceptual dimension of the history of humanity on the planet. This demonstrates how, behind every stone, there lays a history, a myth, a legend, or a lesson to be learned through new approaches. It exposes the attitudes and closeted behaviors that delay the investigation process. We must think the unthinkable and question what we think we consolidated. When we practice healthy exercise of doubt, many factors appear to open new horizons in those considered improbable, not signifying impossible. We don’t need to fear discredit, innovative ideas, ideas that eventually require rewrites of theories or hypothesis, or those ideas that are slow to be considered or accepted. There are many things that have been lost in oblivion, in the background of our historical memory that must be retrieved. If archeology brings the past to present, with it we must recover our historical consciousness and learn more of our origins, ultimately, of ourselves, transporting us to the twilight of man, the author says. This is a book whose reading will draw the sensation that not all of archeological history was written. En El despertar del Hombre, los enigmas y misterios de nuestros orígenes quedan hipotéticamente descifrados y abre ineludiblemente una nueva dimensión conceptual de la historia de la humanidad sobre el planeta. Muestra como detrás de cada piedra hay una historia, un mito, una leyenda o una lección que hay que aprender asumiendo nuevos planteamientos. Deja en evidencia como las actitudes y comportamientos encorsetados impiden que la investigación progrese. «Hay que pensar lo impensable y poner en tela de juicio aquello que se cree consolidado. Cuando se practica el saludable ejercicio de la duda, aparecen multitud de factores que abren nuevos horizontes en los que lo improbable no es sinónimo de imposible. No hay que temer al descrédito,…


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